Magi - Hakuryuu 😍

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hakuryuu cant handle rejection
its ok dearie
momma is here 💕

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experimenting with hair and hakuryuu's pretty face

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Ryuu collégien, aka Gakuryuu !

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Appare-den: Fukuryuu no Shou was out in 1995. Gento and his partner Benimaru fight the evil rulers of Edo Japan.

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alibaba (presenting you a bouquet 💐) ft. hakuryuu

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alibaba (running off somewhere, hakuryuu's wrist in hand)

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alibaba (catching hakuryuu off-guard with a shoulder hug)

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alibaba (holding hands with hakuryuu back when everything was beautiful and nothing hurt)

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alibaba (trying to understand political documents) ft. hakuryuu

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alibaba (megane) ft. hakuryuu and judar

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"but its good that we were able to come back in one piece...
oh, except you hakuryuu...sorry about the arm."

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