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GN Everyone

Heres is iLLAZ QUiZ Number 020!

Dont forget iLLAZ MINT is on NOW!
see for all the details!

Good luck iLLAZ QUiZZERS
First person who replies with the correct answer wins this quiz!

Whoever is the next contestant to win two seperate quizzes will… https://t.co/ZmP0lSvRLL

7 21

Place your bid as reply below for this cutie until today 8 pm CET/2 pm EST. The highest bid will win.

❤️Price in $ETH (Poly)
❤️Place bid and your ETH adress as reply 👇

After end of auction the NFT will be listed and reserved for the highest bidder until… https://t.co/NeuYDn5JXj

47 69

🕊#BirdGirlLittle × ZAKOSHI🧙

🌸『#ICC ×

🏆キーホルダーver NFT × 1





44 50

Well… before tiktok gets banned and Twitter becomes unusable please share your art below and I’ll dm you for contact info! I’ll go first.

My name is Cerena and I’m a self taught artist and oil painter. The goal of my art is to share the beauty of the faces one sees everyday!

3 5

Vtuber VS IRL (?)

I do wear tank top often🌚 I do always having my high half hair poly tail… https://t.co/1b7qYc1Wjr

1 25


Finally I'm so excited to share my new collection 'SENSUS' with yall✨

'SENSUS' is a series of sculptural 3D works that aim to emphasize the emotional expression of the human body. Each piece is designed to reflect a specific emotion, utilizing physical cues such as facial… https://t.co/rdU3WyjEus

64 144

The posters for Yellowjackets Season 2 are fucking amazing. This is how you present a mf ensemble cast!!

(*cough cough, Marvel…*)

0 2

Should have went for this ngl…

13 695

Wanna see something gross (and kinda sad)?
This is a Granbull…

2 14

Someone take him home he’s just sitting on the floor literally👀 for .139 that’s a steal…

5 27

I ate a satsuma and decided I could see something in the peel… with a bit of artistic licence… 😃… figure and animal needed to be evolved and separated.

1 28

'Hangry' "When teenage Rae realizes her homophobic stepfather has been stealing her mother's medication as her mother inches closer and closer to death, she has to make a decision regardless of her morality... Quiet. Calculated. Strong. And now fearless. LeRoy will… https://t.co/NI6VGYs3I7

2 27


Sleep by

I'm so tired, let me sleep. Lay my head down and close my eyes. So so tired. No matter how fast you run, it will catch you, when your legs turn heavy and you stop running, eternally.

Part of AIAD Initiative by


Digital… https://t.co/nwLX1QZTWo

5 22

No U! 😊 Thank you kettle for everything! Definely your so fun and great person. Have a good one! and Glad to get to watch ya. Gonna miss ya Pika! do great things and remember that we support ya in spirit wherever your next journey takes you. We love ya DAYO! To the final… https://t.co/c6vz6ek4KS

13 278