I wear a mask because I'm not a self centered moron and I care about the health of myself and others

9 44

Katie Stein works at a DC area Her protective gear is now more elaborate- a Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR) when working with Covid patients.💖Please for Katie and for everyone you Full story on : https://t.co/6yIjWQNXPZ

3 5

way to Hood not necessary! Way to get a three year on board. :).

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A fun set of illusttations I did for recently. Had fun thinking up the different outfits and hair. 😄

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Decided Brando would be jumping into the fray.
He's clean, but he's also setting an example.

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All the mammals are masking up these days.

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Would people be interested in buying masks like these if I got them printed?

7 18

It’s so crucial that we all stay home to save lives right now. If you do need to go out, you need to !

Thanks for the challenge to our neighbors + partners

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