'You never saw it coming, did you sister?'
(By Alexbluebird)

7 24

My love of Quibble Pants was from Day 1. <3! Can't wait to see him again! Can't wait to see and fam in action! Enjoy these old Quibble Scribbles.

15 84

'I didn't know the Tree could do that!'
(By Ramiras)

4 12

What Celestia really meant when she said she was retiring ^^
(By Puddingskinmcgee)

4 10

Look at all these good Twilight faces. XD

2 8


So many different options for scenes, tho. I might have to return another time.


76 486

Now this is some cool idea as a follow-up to all those artworks with Luna and the geese! Tia responding with THE fearsome Twilight!!
Followed by a SO COOL fanart about Spy Fluttershy and Spike, I love it so much <3

21 76

When I saw Rarity doing that pose during that epic scene in the episode, I wished for pony artists to follow up with artworks of her, and answered the call and made my wish come true!! Fanarts forever!!

2 14

Spike is confirmed to be Best Uncle Ever.

5 18