Young Stars of NGC 346
Image Credit: NASA, ESA - acknowledgement: Antonella Nota (ESA/STScI) et al.

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I'm sorry your father passed before he got to see the magnificent Hubble images. By honoring his memory, you bridged the stars with love. Butterfly Nebula - NGC 6302. 🦋

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Arp272 Antennae Colliding Galaxies (NGC4038 & NGC 4039) by Hubble Telescope Matthias Hauser.

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The stunningly complex planetary nebula in this image is NGC 5189. Planetary nebulae are formed near end of life of Sun-like star.The star becomes a red giant which ejects its envelope,and the exposed hot core irradiated the ejecta. NGC 5189 is 1,800 light-years away.

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The Mountains of NGC 2174
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

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NGC 346: Star Forming Cluster in the SMC
Image Credit & License: NASA, ESA, Hubble; Processing Judy Schmidt

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NGC2244 Rosette Nebula in Monoceros.

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Supernova in NGC 2525
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, A. Riess (STScI/JHU) and the SH0ES team
Acknowledgment: M. Zamani (ESA/Hubble)

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Arp244 union de las galaxias Antennae NGC 4038 & NGC 4039 is Corvus by Hubble Telescope .

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The Slow Dance of Galaxies NGC 5394 and 5395
Image Credit: Gemini, NSF, OIR Lab, AURA; Text: Ryan Tanner (NASA/USRA)

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NGC2359 Thor's Helmet Nebula in Canis Major by Simon Addis.

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NGC6302 Star Cluster in the Small Megallanic Cloud by CANDRA & Spitzer telescopes

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本日の は、#佐倉薫 さんによる

13 38

Today in history: 196 years ado on 29 April 1826 galaxy Centaurus A (also known as NGC 5128 or Caldwell 77) in the constellation of Centaurus was discovered by Scottish astronomer James Dunlop (1793 - 1848) from his home in Parramatta, in New South Wales, Australia.

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olaa sou a maria
desenho uns ngc 🤠🌹🌹

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NGC2264 Cone nebula and Christmas Tree Cluster Nebula by AstroStace.

226 1845

Galaxy NGC 474: Shells and Star Streams


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