I did a quick evening drawing of my Jack, Jae. He's a sweet boy with reeeeaally bad luck.
And he talks too much.

1 3

There once was a duck from Backerkit,
Whose doth a quacker bit,
Not a bite on the ear,
It's the datasphere,
And Nanos whose plan is to hacker it.

5 10

Transform your flesh and bone to information, and explore the datasphere! Discover wonders untold.

Learn of a whole new mode of play with via datasphere:

And get in on the backer deals for ending soon:

16 42

Entry: BY8300h. Threat: Low. The Bullkelp Dragon is commonly found on the Northern shores of the continent. It is very trusting, especially when it encounters children. Children that befriend it can sometimes be lead to treasure. [sandara]

9 13

Immediately thinking of and stuff for the prompt of "mindless". Some sort of machine that hijacks the body to use as a meat-mecha perhaps? up for statting it?

4 7

"The Nacreous Sands", which I painted for . Rushing torrents of shifting sand falling down along this escarpment, and the unlikely outpost built across it.

11 37

"Sing us a song, man!"
So, hey, if you missed the Kickstarter, you can still get in when MCG opens the pledge manager. Sign up here to be notified about that!

1 2

Hey, you! You, the interesting and clever gamer who is on the Twitterspace! If you missed the Kickstarter for you can still get in when MCG opens the pledge manager. Sign up here to be notified when the pledge manager opens!

1 5

It’s raining cats, dinosaurs, and new releases over here at MCG!

Get the latest news on and cool science stories about the delightfully strange creatures that burrow on Earth today and in the past.


8 17

A Wasteland Glaive who Explores Dark Places

1 1

GROGPOD episode 31 has gone into production. The Cypher System/ Numenera/ VURT - will be with you next week!

5 26

15 minutes left!

Your last chance to unlock the awesome books, free PDFs, fiction, accessories, and more of this Kickstarter.

Don't miss out!

7 20

Here's a brand-new piece by artist Eren Arik (I didn't even know about this one until art director posted it yesterday).
Kickstarter ends at 6pm PDT! https://t.co/vZGJf1FCK8

2 5

Every backer can get 4 playable PDF glimmers for right now!

It's a glimmer storm—the datasphere is churning out visions wildly.

Solve the clue at each datasphere vertice and get every PDF glimmer made for but not for long...

27 33

Mirco Paganessi once again creates a beautiful, weird, evocative image for the
Kickstarter ends at 6pm PDT! https://t.co/vZGJf1XdBG

1 2

More art. These beautiful cover images come from the brilliant hand of Setiawan Lie. We've been lucky to work with Lie for a handful of years now, often using him for cover work. He captures the sense of wonder of Numenera beautifully!

1 2

Time to post and zoom some more art! This one is by
This sort of thing shows that doesn't have to be made of metal—some are biological, crystal, or weirder materials. Is this a building? Art project? Memorial? Corpse?

2 15

The art coming in for is already outstanding!

We're lucky to work with fantastic artists.

Back & help us reach a stretch goal to expand the supplement EDGE OF THE SUN, which usually means even more art:

6 13