Jari masih runcing kek pensil ujian nasional.

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Thanks, lovely! I'll volunteer my girl, Pensilea, mother of crows and lady of the dagger interrogations.

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My main girl, Pensilea Darkthorne. Don't get on her blade hand's bad side.

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Wacom Intuos CTL -480
+Nyaman2 aja dipake, stabil seperti megang pensil, klo sudah terbiasa gambar manual cukup sehari bisa kok langsung digital .
- ga bisa buat gambar di hape

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yuhu selamatt kak raraaa 🥰✨
sukses selaluuu yaaa 😍
maaf aku cuma bisa gambar pake pensil wkwk :(

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kiri namanya shoya kanan yuu
nanti klo komik nya dh jadi, mau di up di trakteer. lumayan buat beli penghapus sama isi pensil mekanik.

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midnight practice ✍️ doodle ala ala wkwkw, ini sketch awalnya pake pensil, terus ditebelin pake ibis U_U)b
masi ga pw sama warna rambut, dan baju argghh wkwkwk butuh brush yg enak keknya cuma belom nemu yg pas aja wkwkwkwkw

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Karyaku! Aku mau setor nih durasi ngerjain 1,5jam. btw ini pakai diy stylush pen yg pke tisu basah+pensil😭👍 1.5jam hihi

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Luz de la luna en el río, 1919
Lowell Birge Harrison, (28 de octubre de 1854, Filadelfia, Pensilvania - 1929) fue un género estadounidense y paisajista, maestro y escritor. Fue un destacado practicante y defensor del tonalismo.

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Smedley Darlington Butler

"Nasceu em 30/07 de 1896, em West Chester, Pensilvânia, o mais velho de três filhos. Ambos os pais eram de ascendência inteiramente inglesa, e todos estavam no que é hoje os Estados Unidos desde o século XVII."


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Thanks for the opportunity! I'll volunteer my girl, Pensilea.

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You can give Pensilea a try, she's the main in my 😀

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Angelic vs dark

Yg kiri angelic bgt kan ya pink ampe muka WKWK.. btw KANGEN PAKE PENSIL WARNA😭 https://t.co/ypQxb8VaTL

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Tips ini nggak cuma buat gambar full pensil, aku juga kalo watercolor sketchnya kayak gini dulu. Hasilnya ntar kayak gini

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Ooohhh, I love that tattoo on him.

Thalia, Pensilea's closest friend and guard. They've known each other all their lives through their parents. In the she stops an assassination attempt at the spring festival targeted at a guest. I made her with this app. 😏

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Thanks to for my main girl, Pensilea Darkthorne. 😊

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