THANK YOU to all the slaves who have secured a part in our perverse Nativity - There are still a few roles left to fill:


Please if you are attending this event & would like to take part please tag us in to your audition!

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Going for a Hysh themed Slaanesh army for H'Ka'ty The Perverse. Here are some inspiration pictures I'm using.

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So, I have a list of characters to draw for the "Monster Academy" line-up... and...

they way these two are drawn definitely makes them outliers to the rest of the cast, here's an Ace Succubus and Perverse Angel... I now gots 9 more to draw left. :T

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Always perverse, always wonderful. Our friend .anstis

0 3

Yes! If anyone tries to do anything perverse to my daughter they’ll have me in THIS form to deal with!

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If I ask you to put on clothes that you are not used to wearing, you wear them without question or resistance, for it brings you happiness and relaxation to wear it for your Mommy. If I ask you to submit your whole body to perverse interests, you will do so without hesitation.

4 18

quick sketch of our perverse yet imbalance warlock.

Somehow I enjoyed drawing him.

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short, witty quip to detract from my depraved and perverse content

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perverse fateが車中で😂🎶笑

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いよいよ❗早よアルバム『WILL』の楽曲にシングル『MEMORIA』収録曲「MEMORIA、perverse fate、レクイエム」加えてMyベスト作りたい~😆w

1 3

そや!AINSEL昨日は2ndシングル収録全3曲するかなとほんの少~~~~し期待してたが...レクイエム...( ´△`)w
まあMEMORIAは勿論大好きで音源化音源化うるさくしてた(笑)perverse fateは聴けたんで良しとしよう( ´∀` )b

2 8

We are already 1000 Perverse on Twitter! Thank you all for your great love and support. During all this time, you are the best. ❤ Coral is also grateful for her fans! Thank you for being a Fan of my NSFW Drawings! Att: Zau 👀🤘

12 87

『Perverse Fate』と『レクイエム』と来たか…3曲それぞれAINSELの良さがある楽曲だから良き選曲かと♪だが『Parallel World』は今回おあずけ…_| ̄|○ il||li

3 5


8月25日にリリースされる待望の2nd Singleについて3つのお知らせ🎉🎉


M2. perverse fate
M3. レクイエム


34 51

[oc, skipperverse] fullbody art for siegfried!!!

3 4

"Ladies, no need to worry. Your sexy cat hero is coming to save you!"
🐱Lewd/Non RP
🐱Ladybug: Mostly Dom
🇺🇸Adrien: Switch
🐱Resorts to perverse tactics of fighting
🇺🇸Civilian Form: Total pervert
😾Reply to pin=Block

9 34

東方Projectの同人漫画「Perverse Cried」と、現在連載させて頂いているコミカライズ版「なぜ僕の世界を誰も覚えていないのか?」

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