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If you see this tweet, quote it with 4 pics that expose your taste in women

I want to be them AND want to be with them https://t.co/7MirWt8Geg

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If you see this tweet, respond with 4 pics that expose your taste in men.

Strong w/ Deep voices, funny himbos, muscles that could rail me, and intelligent gentleman https://t.co/2vPlmO9pXW

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if you see this tweet, quote it with 4 pics that expose your taste in women

Sesekali lah ikut ginian. Selain mereka aku suka Yanfei, Noelle, sama Nahida. https://t.co/bH79ee5dKr

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if you see this tweet, quote it with 4 pics that expose your taste in men.

i love my homies 🫶🫶🫶🫶 https://t.co/LHX9M7k0eE

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Quote this tweet with 4 pics that expose your taste in men.

Is there a pattern here?! ksksksk

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If you see this tweet, quote it with 4 pics that expose your taste in women

Aku suka kakak+mamah2 maaf... https://t.co/Wh8ILDI8bl

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If you see this tweet quote it w/ 4 pics that expose your taste in men

Tried to choose 1 from Toku, Anime, Housamo and AE..
(If i could include LAH : Monomasa, Pubraseer, Barrel, and ofc our short king procy) https://t.co/968gxGclQl

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‘If u see this tweet, quote it w/ 4 pics that expose ur taste in men’

Inconclusive results SDJFHSDSDK I'll literally worship you if you know the first guy btw https://t.co/CJP0OGLkbu

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Thank you for tagging me. I'm playing nijijourney right now, so this time share some anime pics.
Tagging , no pressure, have fun.

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if you see this tweet, quote w/ 4 pics that expose your taste in men.
....ehe~ https://t.co/aisy4wG2Fq

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If you see this tweet, quote it with 4 pics that expose your taste in men.

I don't know what this says about me :') https://t.co/Tkrk803RJH

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show us your main league champ and then pic of Pics a bit old but it’s still my favourite of myself https://t.co/HhsPeiWbH1

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"If you see this QRT with 4 pics that expose your taste in men"

..haha https://t.co/2LHznGk7EK

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"If you see this QRT with 4 pics that expose your taste in men"

See the reason why I stick to 2d men: https://t.co/viiPMJaos6

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If you see this tweet, quote it with 4 pics that expose your taste in men.

You can ask why... but I cannot explain why. https://t.co/kEbGrHYrt2

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If you see this tweet, quote it with 4 pics that expose your taste in women

well.... i do have a type.... https://t.co/vLNl0x2pPS

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"If you see this QRT with 4 pics that expose your taste in men"

*runs away* https://t.co/CrmRzvaWEw

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if you see this tweet, quote it with 4 pics that expose your taste in men.

well i guess i like weird dudes 😭 https://t.co/KCq694nZZf

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If you see this tweet, quote it with 4 pics that expose your taste in men

its all over the place I think haha other than I like long hair men. https://t.co/FH28kvacEy

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If you see this tweet, quote it with 4 pics that expose your taste in men.

Uhhhhhh... https://t.co/byVPSTEJiv

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