Another men..ok
Urrggg...he's not really a hippie, just a poser

29 234


Caterpie, Metapod e Butterfree O Pokémon Minhoca, Casulo e o Pokémon Borboleta respectivamente 🦋
E como sempre, ta ai os Shinys!✨🦋


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Popie, my chubby poptart girl who loves to eat cake and other sugary foods ^w^

1 12

Don’t feel sad cutie pie, it’s your day today!
It may be Drizzile Day in JST. But it’s still Sobble Day where I am.

Happy baby water lizard day!!

13 36

Hello! I`m Ziepie, I`m 2d artist from Ukraine🇺🇦. My commisions are always open and I am waiting for you.

Я вирішила оновити пікчі з прайс-листа щоб нагадати що він в мене взагалі є👽

3 11

🔥 Rebecca Parkin, 10 Nov-18 Dec

London-based painter Rebecca Parkin responds to genres such as fan art, horror films, and cosplay.

📸#RebeccaParkin, Pickle Pie, 2018. Pastel on paper. Digital Photograph, Courtesy the artist

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"De pie, levántate y vive otra vez como mi puño de la Venganza, como Moon Guy."

7 32

After watching the vampire scene in Cutie pie, I really want to see ZN act in a vampire series 🤭😜

94 213

Yessss exactly! These are three of my girls from a universe I’m making (magpie, rhino, tapir) and it’s so much fun like bucking the system and trying new species!

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▫《 pie☆SUMMER☆FEVER vol.1 ~Marchen time?! a la mode~ 》
▫Date : 2022. 8. 27 ~ 2022. 8. 28
▫Time :8.27(sat) 1pm ~ 8pm
8.28(sun) 1pm ~ 7pm
▫Door : 5000₩
▫Place : pie,4F,146-1, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul ( )
▫Design : HANBEE ( )
▫Organization : pie

8 15

“If you would always live with us... then you must first go into the woods and hear what the birds say. When you shall have lurked, listened, and learned what the sparrow, magpie, and owl say, then come back into our arms" (Heine)

32 120

Finally caught up with days 13 & 14! The Gyrfalcon was quite an undertaking as their coloration and markings can vary wildly between individuals. The Golden Conure on the other hand was simple as pie, but gorgeously bold!

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Drawings I made of my favorite G4 Earth Ponies (Octavia, Marble Pie, Lighthoof and Coloratura) ❤️

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Calling all Crumpets!
Spookii did it again. While making a luxurious blueberry pie, she added a few too many ingredients. Let's just say, Pancake has a sibling. Got this lovely little spider from Denise on FB. Name suggestions?? I'm thinking Cobbler lol.

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# 🧁 This time I bring you a cute Pinkie pie, all pink, all pretty.

14 45

De mon côté, j'ai fait :
- Lézarpie, pour le pokemon Harpie, type poison/dragon
- Gépé-esprit, pour le pokemon Carte, type feu

Encore une superbe soirée avec les copains /o/ (et toujours un plaisir de voir le niveau de créativité qu'ils sont capables de produire !)

2 13

so vinny threw me into the mlp interest hole so uh. i wanted to do some headcanon'd versions of each gen's mane six! :]
here's a gen 3 mane six including: pinkie pie, star catcher, wysteria, rainbow dash, rarity, and apple spice!

3 17

Congrats on 5k Magpie, and already more than halfway to 6k!! Let's throw Nevari into the mix!

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