She's not my oc, but draw Asuka Langely Soryu where she's super pissed. Like kick in someone's head sort of pissed

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Stole this imagine off google but i ran into a shiny luvdisc. I would have a screenshot but phone fricked up and I almost through it cause i was pissed.

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he saw a pair of kneepads he reaaaally wants on the top shelf on the display window. Kageyama is rightfully pissed.

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Centuries of burning hatred...bitterness...isolation...jealousy...rage...blindness (vision later restored by Violet)...fury...corruption...contempt. Yin-Lei has good reason to be pissed.

Some faces from upcoming expression sheet!

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"If you really just came for the cupcakes, I would be super pissed."
PC-98 mockup that I've been wanting to do for the Longest Time
Please do not edit or redistribute!

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I ORDERED SILVER SPIKES. And I get. This: Legit so pissed.

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"Great, now im pissed."

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This was a semi-quick drawing I did for a fic-to-pic competition last week. You can check out the minific that inspired it here:

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sometimes you need kaz in mood lighting. it’s red because he’s pissed.

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01 - Medusa (and yes she is pissed.)

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still actually so pissed that i made these pages over 2 years ago for a pauling/administrator comic that i cant remember the plot for bc i didnt write a script and then dropped it for a month before opening the files again. these were good im pissed.

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The boys messed up the fun time. Mama is pissed.

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From the web comic Penny Arcade
This is why Nu-Fans don't get why old school Star Wars fans get pissed. We have decades of Canon which is pretty much kept to or ignored whenever it is convienet.
Take something they like and screw with it's history or present and see how they feel

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Someone was pissed.

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Then Kale and Cheelai get pissed.

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been looking back at my old art again and im kinda pissed. it felt so much easier, more sincere. I kinda feel like what I do now needs to have a reason, where as back then I did it because it felt good. idk. I'm in a much better place mentally now than back then, maybe thats why

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Saw the teaser and man, the boy is PINK and he's PISSED.

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I actually just burst out into tears, I was SO PISSED.
...But I can't stay upset for ever, otherwise the video will never get made!

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Now she’s just pissed.

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