Mudcreak - Hollow by Cloudeater

Mudcreak was manipulated by his father, Sprucestream, and became a silent terror in Riverclan. He was Twitchstar's best friend and was Riverclan's deputy until his death.

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Goldtail - Devil's Backbone by The Civil Wars

Goldtail was a Windclan warrior who fell in love and had kits with Stormhawk of Riverclan. She kept their kits in Windclan but died in a battle against Riverclan before she could tell her kits the truth.

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Amberstone - Dear Fellow Traveller by Sea Wolf

Amberstone was Specklepool's medicine cat mentor in Riverclan. He went missing one night and was never seen alive again. His ghost appeared to Specklepool later, however, and he confirmed he was in Starclan.

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Aspentail! Riverclan, wave-like marks. All come together

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First character of Riverclan following the alphabet; the well known Appledusk!

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Daily designs - last of the RiverClan cats from Omen of the Stars!

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More warriors ocs of mine for y'all! Here we have the Thunderclan medicine cats Honeyfire and Cardinalpaw! Honeyfire is convinced that the destruction of Shadowclan and Riverclan in the storm was a sign from starclan and that the survivors no longer belong in the clans.

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A set of 3 warrior cats oc commissions I finished the last one today. These 3 are the main characters in the commissioner's story! Foxstar of Thunderclan, Puddlegaze of Riverclan, and Shatteredeyes of Windclan!

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It took a while but I finally drew all of the leaders from The Prophecies Begin all the way to the most recent Broken Code book!
It was a lot of fun to design them all and make then each look unique :)

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Ottershine of Riverclan!
VERY devoted to Starclan, has the biggest connection to them out of all the med cats, and so far her faith has never been unfounded

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Lakeshimmer of Riverclan!
She is quite the performer, singing and telling stories in the clan, huuuge secret crush on Shadowclan’s leader

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Oakbreeze of Riverclan!
Deputy and top swimmer, she misses her best friend who lives in Thunderclan, but seperated due to difficulties in each other’s territories

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Dovespeckle of Riverclan!
Shes kind of spacey but can be very commanding! Very good with the apprentices of Riverclan

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so i was inspired by to start designing warriors again, so here's some tabby ladies that i put together of the past couple of days - heathertail of windclan, willowshine the riverclan medicine cat, and former kittypet millie of thunderclan!

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Spoilers for: The Broken Code

Here's all the leaders from ThunderClan and RiverClan!
You can see me getting slightly better with each doodle I think :)

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Mistystar! I'm really not understanding what this girl is thinkin' with what she's been doing in the books lately ngl haha

Oh well, I still have a soft spot for her bc of the first series.

That's all for the RiverClan leaders!

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I had fun doing Leopardstar's patterns. I based her off a Bengal cat and colour picked from a leopard.
I also gave her a cute hairdo, because if she were human she'd prob have a pixie cut haha
Her ear nick is inspired by Zira from TLK2

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Working on my toony style a bit more by drawing 's character, Astria!

The next doodle I should be posting is of Leopardstar, as I'm drawing all of the RiverClan leaders after finishing up the ThunderClan leaders.

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spiketail, riverclan deputy in mapleshades book

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