# tf2

"Meet Cute", a piece from September 2020.

It always feels nice to go back to these characters and dynamics. This one was done for an event hosted on Tumblr. Feels appropriate to post it today.

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I didn't had time to draw all 9 classes but I'll do it later, TF2 is one of the most important games to me, is where I first started selling commissions (yes, for TF2 keys) and is where I met a lot of my best friends.
Idk where I would be today without TF2.

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this birdy goodboy misses so much 🥹💉💊🩸
📸: ., me!

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Tf2 has been something that has been close to my heart since 2011, from the chaotic misadventures with my friends to seeing the amazing artwork made by the community

Please Valve, don’t let this game die, this game means so much to me and and so many others

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I would like to see valve at least acknowledge what's going on in tf2 rn, update or not I will still play the game to the bitter end when they shut down all valve servers.
I love the shit out of this game.
please valve.

here is some art I made some time back

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Quick sketch of Scout from TF2.
Love this game.

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quiero aportar mí granito de arena con un dibujo. Tf2 es uno de mis juegos favoritos, me da pena verlo tan mal siendo que gracias a este juego conocí gente muy bonita :(

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It's time we need some help, now more than ever.

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I have a lot to say about TF2, the fun and friendly community, the many videos or the fact that I put the mercenaries on a high pedestal...but the point is TF2 played a very important role in my life. It was THE game to make me have a sense of community, the game that..

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This lil' dude has caused so many of my deaths over the last 6 years

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Came to say and that this game is a timeless masterpiece what can give you thousands hours of adventures and funny moments 💛💋
Some old sketches with OCs to accompany the post

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Era un raro 2020, Yummi estaba sola y sin nada que hacer, hasta que un grupo me incitó a jugar TF2, soy de Indies y RPG, nunca toqué un shooter en mi vida, pero este juego es tan único que no tuve problema en unirme, subo poco contenido de TF2 pero lo aprecio mucho 💜

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Here's some art I made when I was 14

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bro tf2 was one of my favorite games, even if i didn't start playing it back when it was in it's prime

it's really upsetting to see the state of the game right now :[ i hope valve does something about it

no energy for new art, i hope this old engie will suffice

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I'd be a liar if I said that TF2 didn't have a huge impact on my life. Many of my friendships (and hell, my 6-year relationship with my partner) would not have happened if it weren't for this game. I want others to be able to experience the same.
Please Valve,

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This probably won't amount to much, but TF2 was such a huge part of my life. Even though I've drifted away over the years, I still love the game and its community - and I wouldn't be here if I wasn't inspired by all of its content back in 2012. 🧡

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