# doodle

自我流Smii7y (´・ω・`)

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and (i hope i have the permission of Smii7y that i can draw his face *^*, anyway he already did a face reveal)

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Rose Pastel(?) SMII7Y ❤(ӦvӦ。)

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Soy Milk SMii7Y

Love this lil bab right here!
Credits to my friend, summer-galaxy101 on Tumblr, who made 5p SMii7Y. (๑ºั╰╯ºั๑)

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To someone who said that I got Smii7y wrong.

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More thumbnails that I didn't post for Mini, Scotty and Smii7y

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I gave and my drawing tablet - Smii7y drew a cool design & Matt drew whatever the fuck that thing is 😂

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