My fav ships of all time no matter what

10 108

she's in love... ❤️❤️❤️

29 226

These antis have pushed me to the point where I don't even care anymore
They're making me want nothing to do with either of these characters anymore
Dammit stevinel why the fuck do you have to be so controversial
I just wanted to ship something that looks cute fuck y'all

4 31

To all the stevinel shippers
You guys are great
Don't let assholes tell you what you can and can't do

If it's not hurting anyone in any way, you're fine.

Anyway here's a bunch of screenshots of antis beings dicks because apparently they think we're all just being babies

9 47

Stevinel is still lit

18 144

Stuff that's not stevinel related? Unbelievable

2 20