I wanted to put cally in different outfits so here it is!
Oc used: Cally

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It's been a hellva run mighty warriors. It seemed like only yesterday I was quick sketching Jade's character E'Daj with their Battle Shrimp. Glory to your houses.


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It came to my attention I never gave cinnamon a proper introduction/Bio, Oops
Oc Used: Cinnamon

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Yep, why not? here is some of my stuff.
Top right: my interpretation of the work by Franck Besançon (f_intothevoid)
Bottom right: based on original design by Sopa Art

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Hi! I'm an illustrator, comic creator and writer, here is some of my stuff:
Left: based on design by Sopa_Art
Botom right: my interpreation of a work by Franck Beçanson (f_intothevoid)

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