Day 6: Guilala
(I’m back lol)

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I wanted to thank for having Guilala from The X from Outer Space in It was awesome to see such a good underrated kaiju to get such good art! I can't draw but I wanted to do something so I did some MMD pics! Im really proud of these! Praise Guilala!

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Going with for day 6 of Wasn't planning on coloring this, but I love this design too much not to do it.

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Day 6 of Guilala from The X from Outer Space! I absolutely love this monster design! So fun and charming! ^___^

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Today's is an interesting one. It's Chernabog from the Night on Bald Mountain segment from Fantasia. Never drew anything from Disney before so this was a really fun to draw!

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Day 4: Chernabog from Disney's Fantasia

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Chernabog full musculoso bombado.

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Titanotober Day 4: The Host Monster
(Fish Boi) 🐟🐟🐟

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Going with the host creatures for day 4 of Again, sorry for the lazy background, but I'm short on time.

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Later than I would’ve liked, but here we are with Day 4 of The Han River monster from The Host!

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My version of ,the Host monster, for

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day threeeeeee! Redking! First time drawing this kaiju. Fun and less complicated than I expected it to be!

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Today's is Redking, everyone's favorite rock hurling angry corn cob boi.

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