Commission I've finished for my friend Ultranifty!

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Tentei me desenhar no estilo do ♡ eu só não fiz realista pois eu sou nova em arte digital e isso seria minha morte

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Happy Holidays from the boys! May your year ahead be full of contentment and joy! I hope to create more for you all since I’ve been busy with life and school. Cheers with a cheery cup!
Characters© TrulyTranian Art: 2016

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Cuando platico con me dan ganas de apapacharlo pero medio continente de distancia lo impide, así que me lo imaginé y ya de menos en dibujito
Dónde andas Toto te estraniooooooooo :((

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I still have some pet portrait commission slots open! Message me or email for a quote

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L’importanza di essere ascoltati, capiti, rassicurati. Aiutati. Supportati. ❤️ Rivolgersi ad uno psicoterapeuta non è una vergogna, non rende strani, sbagliati, sconfitti, rende consapevoli di avere bisogno di aiuto e indica la strada giusta per riceverlo. 🙏🏻

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new TRANIMAL WORKSHOP 2018 images: from SLEEPLESS at curated by

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Prisvajanje slovenskih zgodovinskih deželnih simbolov s strani nekakšnih paravojaških enot meče zelo slabo luč nanje. Sploh, glede na to, da iz grba dežele Kranjske izvirata tudi slovenska zastava in slovenske nacionalne barve.

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~"Summer's Calling" for Throwback Thursday
Refreshing cold Midori sea blue creamy coconut bubble tea makes those summer heat waves much more bearable!
Ryokucha © TrulyTranian

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The 5th game on exA-Arcadia is G.rev’s Strania EX - the ultimate edition of this horizontal shooter. Available for the first time outside of Japan in arcades!

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Domattina su dalle 10.45 con l'intervista a Roberto Innocenti, uno dei più grandi illustratori nostrani, unico italiano insignito da giuria internazionale dell'Andersen Award, considerato il Nobel dell'illustrazione

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Aftranix, Lord of Hretvar Peak

for Saturday campaign

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L’Italia per i cantanti stranieri.

374 787

A che serve la frontiera?
Ogni ricco ha la terra intera
ogni miserabile è straniero
🎨Dürer Fuga in Egitto

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How Roman I feel like every single day.

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170525 at traning camp

[Cr: Sneezeskyu]

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