(#tech) Technocritique : starter kit
Un très bel article de destiné à sensibiliser au travers des livres à la critique de la technologie et de ses implications sociales, morales, philosophiques.

🔗 https://t.co/bGstwlHD6x
Via .fr

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Dernier jour pour profiter de la campagne Ulule de notre partenaire

Soutenez le projet et bénéficiez d'avantages spéciaux !

Découvrez les utopies et dystopies dans la pop culture à travers la plume de plus de 20 auteurs 🤗

👉 https://t.co/MLj99Bhbbh

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Mi chiedo cos’è tutta questa urgenza di vita che m’affligge e che mi spinge ad attraversare le persone, da parte a parte.
Buona giornata 🌞☕

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Ricordo bene il suo sguardo.
Attraversa ancora la mia anima
Come una scia di fuoco nella notte.
Ricordo bene il suo sguardo.
Il resto…Sì, il resto
è solo una parvenza di vita.
Ieri ho passeggiato per le strade
come una qualsiasi persona.

Fernando Pessoa

🖌Edmund C. Tarbell

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Not for sale yet but appreciate anyone’s support!

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Fire and ice, siblings of tremendous power. One's embrace is warm while the other is cold. ❄️🔥

Will you traverse through the Mountain Pass or will you crawl through the Cave of Embers? The choice is yours! ⚔️

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Hozuki le Stoïque - Natsumi Eguchi

Complément Affectif - Mari Okazaki (⭐️)

Called Game - Izumi Kaneyoshi

La Grande Traversée - Haruko Kumota (⭐️)

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Theta Amarian

Able to traverse the skies and the sea very easily.


If there are reports of Theta Amarians in the ocean.

They have powerful tails that can hold, grip and drain their victims.

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I’ll go with my OC heather. She has the power of creation and is tasked with creating a new world for humanity as they traverse across the cosmos to find a place to call home.

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La Chine qui n'est pas encore unifiée, traverse une grande guerre de cinq siècles. Shin, un jeune garçon contemporain de ces temps violents et houleux, n’a qu’un seul but : devenir un Grand Général sous les cieux !

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Beings of condensed energy.

These are the Lorsessene

They pass in and out of subspace as they traverse the hyperstreams of energy, swimming to and fro along the way from the Axis Mundi to the cosmic edges.

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my favourite bestie dynamic is the tired nerd who doesnt leave the house and the extraverted crackhead who drags them out of the house kicking and screaming (and feeds them)

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5 days until the Dreamy mint phase commences... and then the adventure begins. You still have time to earn yourself a Dreamylist spot and traverse through the noise.

Don't forget to submit your wallets in the Discord 🍃

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Pennywise is off his meds tonight, make sure to bring a shield if you're planning on traversing through the realm of Greedventory.🤡🛡️

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Non esiste un vascello veloce come un libro
per portarci in terre lontane
né corsieri come una pagina
di poesie che si impenna –
questa traversata
può farla anche il povero
senza oppressione di pedaggio –
tanto è frugale
il carro dell’anima.


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"Nasciamo soli, viviamo soli e moriamo soli. Soltanto attraverso l'amore e l'amicizia possiamo crearci l'illusione di un momento che non sia di solitudine."

~Orson Welles

🎨Giorgione, Due amici - 1502

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Aujourd'hui, Pascale Binant parle du (RSA). Alors qu'elle annonce à son conseiller en réinsertion qu'elle travaille en tant qu'artiste-autrice 8 heures par jour, tous les jours, l'administration lui annonce très clairement : "On va vous trouver un emploi !".

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I papà hanno un legame magico con le proprie bambine, un sentimento sincero e speciale che l’artista ucraina Snezhana Soosh racconta attraverso una serie di illustrazioni.

padri a

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Fusang désigne dans l’ancienne mythologie chinoise un arbre situé au-delà de la mer orientale. Les dix « corbeaux d’or » , fils de la déesse Xihe y résident. Chaque jour un soleil s’élève, traverse le ciel et va se reposer sur un autre arbre situé à l’ouest.

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