Je vous avoue que j'ai été désarçonné car Margaux n'avait rien de vraiment concret à me montrer, rien qui faisait "science" ! Où était sa blouse ? Son microscope ? Sa calvitie précoce et son collier de barbe ? Elle me parlait "variabilité d'imagerie" "valance émotionnelle"

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MvsC2 es el más desvalanceado a parte de que los sprites reutilizados cantan tanto que sólo hay que ver y comparar el de Thanos con el de Amingo por ejemplo para ver que el shading y el tamaño están descompensados

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By way of is a peek at Giuseppe Camuncoli's Beilert Valance variant for Bounty Hunters which is due out July 14.

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"Orígenes" la columna de hoy de Liberty Valance en Ya podrán imaginar para dónde va.

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When it comes to face, I must always pay attention to total valance. I have to check it before I go sculpting.

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dahlia is a powerful fighter. she slayed 1000's, after the war she could not kill anymore. so she became a goth and hated life and humanity. then ember showed her video games and card games where she can beat her foes. she is eternally grateful to ember for resparking her valance

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Vesna but in her final fantasy au but Avalance and Turk au. I love how she turned out
Retweets are appreciated

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These were supposed to be for Valentine's day... but sh*t happens 😅
So just have a happy Legends day😅
Thanks for this header suggestion!

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Dedsec recruit jessieraspberry
Jessie's a member of dedsec, Cause why not
Been playing watch dog legion a bunch

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