Whitewash, bluewash, pinkwash, redwash etc etc

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Doodling concepts by blocking shapes in inkwash, penciling over and working back in. Quite like this tiny sad Clay.

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Blue Pear. Acrylic wash, pastel & charcoal. Finished it. Ruined it 3 days later. Exists only in this photo now.

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Batman Color Paper piece, India ink, Ink Wash, Color Pencil, Whiteout, circa 2012

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Katerina... acrylic wash, charcoal, pastel...100 x 70 cm

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- apples today, overworked the drawing and watercolour wash, must remember when to stop!

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"Chicos, nunca useis a rotom wash, es caaancer!" me lo imagino jaja

14 13

shifted ego' drawing, pastel, acrylic wash, charcoal 50 x 36 cm

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Apple Tree, ink & wash, 50 mins. A nice day for sitting in the garden. 28/9/13

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