Stunning new paintings & drawings by Hungarian artist Szilard Huszank &

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Zsuzsanna Kreif is a freelance illustrator & film director from Budapest.


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na, hamár itt vagyunk, és SZERETNÉNK ELÉRNI VALAMIT, alkottam egy képet :3 ♥♥♥ FIGHTING HUNGARY!

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FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!! xD TRENDEK LESZÜNK!!! XDD *kínja van*

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Channie! Mianhae ez nem olyan lett,mint amilyet szerettem volna. xD ♥Azért saranghae. XD

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Only one shot only one shot >.< ♥ Not so good. xD

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Part of new illustration (WIP) for (Hungary '56)

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En de esta semana, cosas chungas de mirar internet en el móvil

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20.08.2013, 21:00 Fireworks - Hungary

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No 1 theme/plot/actors Why oh why 3rd class dragons? are hungarian horntails so difficult to come by?

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(( Found an old drawing I made of Hungary && my Bosnia OC. ))

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