picking up the yuuka i left from long time ago... im supposed to study ;;;

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First time drawing her and sunflowers

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I think PC-98 Yuuka is really cute. Also that pocket watch

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For some reason, I'm attracted to Yuuka Kazami

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lol! XD
Gouenji... Yuuka will hate you for this! XD
Your TOO overprotective towards her!

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New fic idea: Onii Harem Yukai! (Title inspired from "Onii Yuukai" and "Hare Hare Yukai".)

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LLS Yuuka by kuronekonero is love~

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wauw... a title called: umbrella the killer... with Yuukahara....

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You can download this wallpaper at http://t.co/Rhee5sFt Wirunyupa Yuuka

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