画質 高画質

See you on Friday January 10 at the art crawl under the full moon-

Come out and say Hi to Bryce Kanbara at the
YOU ME GALLERY year end exhibition in Hamilton.
330 James Street North

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[DB Legends]
Super Saiyan 3 Goku [BOSS]

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Hey , I'm your (pinch hitter) secret santa~ Christmas is long gone and maybe so is holiday so take this mikanba+tsurunba as a slightly late birthday present!! Happy birthday once again!!😘

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something on the side I made while studying. Kanbaru and just a random character on a lucky star-ish style.

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Dokkan Awakening AGL SSJ Goku Card idea
LS:All types Ki+3 and HP,ATK,DEF+40%

Super ATK:Super Kamehameha
Raise ATK & DEF for 4 turn and Causes supreme damage to enemy

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EZA INT SSG Goku card idea
LS:All type Ki+3 and HP,ATK,DEF+70%

Super ATK: limitbreaker Kamehameha
Greatly Raise ATK and Causes supreme damage to enemy and lowers DEF

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I wanted to sketch multiple Monogatari chars, but it ended up being a Kanbaru tribute page xP


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EZA INT Vegeta card idea
LSl:Vegeta’s Family Category Ki+3 and HP,ATK,DEF+100% or All types Ki+3 and HP,ATK,DEF+70%

Super ATK:Big Bang Attack
Raises ATK and Causes supreme damage to enemy

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Kanbaru lying down

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EZA PHY SSJ3 Goku (Angel) Card idea
LS:All Type Ki+3 and HP,ATK,DEF+40%

Super ATK:Super Dragon Twin Fists
Greatly Raise DEF for 1 turn and Causes supreme damage with a rare chance to stun the enemy

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-A Fight or Flight Trigger- (Ultra Instinct -Sign- Goku)

Custom Dokkan Card Made by me I hope you guys like it 😁🙏🏼

Likes&Retweets are greatly appreciated Thank you

Made an error on my last post lol

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EZA INT SSJ Goku Card idea
LS:Super Saiyan Category Ki+3 HP,ATK,DEF+120% or INT Type Ki+3 HP,ATK,DEF+90%

Super ATK: Instant Transmission Kamehameha
Causes supreme damage with a medium chance to stun the enemy

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Dokkan Awakening Hatchiyack Card idea
Super Hatchiyack
LS:All Types Ki+3 HP,ATK,DEF+50%

Super ATK:Revenger Canon
Greatly Raise ATK and causes supreme damage to enemy

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[Mystical Lazy-Ass]

Super Homer (God)

I did not lie.

Everything, effects, aura etc. by me.

Background is just random Dokkan one lmao

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New Transforming Vegito Card idea
Vegito (Base)
LS:Majin Buu Saga or Potara Category Ki+3 HP,ATK+170% and DEF+150%

Super ATK:Spirit Canon
Causes immense damage to enemy and Raises allies’ ATK by 35% for 1 turn

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Dokkan Awakening TUR TEQ Piccolo Card idea
Leader Skill:TEQ Ki+3 HP,ATK,DEF+70%

Super ATK:Hellzone Grenade
Causes supreme damage to enemy and Lowers DEF and recovers 7% HP

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