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완성된 선율을 하나로,
Dear. Milletian, Fantastic Melody - Part.2
큰 사랑을 받은 10곡을 추려내 오케스트라로 편곡하여,
섬세함과 웅장함을 모두 담은 [Fantastic Melody]
15년간 지나간 시간보다, 더 긴 여정을 함께 걸어요.
The Sheffield Daily Telegraph, 1884: ‘A young man blackened his #moustache with a lead #comb...then took his girl out for a moonlit stroll. When the fair one appeared in the bright light of the family circle a couple of hours later her face looked like a railroad map.’ Oh dear.
@RooDeja @Macroceli You wouldn’t let me leave even if I wanted to, dear...
"Your hair's a mess, dear."
Happy Mother's Day from Bou and her mammy, Betty.
My dear. Preview of exclusive art.
My patreon:
Even a little support will give me a lot. Thank you very much! Love!
God, you are almost lost in this snow storm.
I can help you dear...
happy birthday 💗 dear. ranka lee
합작 참여 했습니다 ~ 편집본이 예뻐 함께 올려보아요~~
@Neox_boi Please, my dear. Give me a chance to love you all!
I don't know how to deal with the fact that there are just over 2 days left, I was using this countdown as a study goal as well and oh dear..
@luigitachi Your fortune my dear. The senpai (me) you hate (like)