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Fuecoco, Quaxly or Sprigatito... Who will be your starter?

155 963

I also made Fuecoco! have you guys already chose your starting pokémon on Scarlet x Violet version?

1 8

fuecoco is just spicy bubble bobble don’t @ me

1 12

Nintendo pops out new games faster than a quiver-full family has kids

1 7

Today I made Fuecoco! Have you guys already chose your starting pokémon on Scarlet x Violet?

1 3

Qualix dice "recuérdame", pero fuecoco tiene lo suyo

0 24

Fuecoco Japanese name is hogeta there is a chance that it comes from hot and vegetable, if this is true he could become the first fire/grass pokemon

1 8

Fuecoco looks adorable 🐊🧡

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People fighting over whether Fuecoco is an apple or a pepper, when you know he's actually cocoa.

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Fuecoco looks so huggable I love him

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I decided to redo Sprigatito so my sketch line weight matches with the others.
After drawing them all, now I really can't choose who I want as my starter. I'll wait till I see final evolutions.

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