My second digital art💖
I love the Lightwood-Bane family

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For wk6 of Shaumondays on tumblr. Have some time traveling older!Alec

3 19

things to include in 2B
malec sparring session !!
+ a silly bonus xD

351 727

art early release because lightwood-banes day out
couldn't decide if i should let mags have a goatee or not , so both is good

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So excited I love how these turned out! See you all at the con!

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Nelson Dominguez. Tribulaciones en el malecón, 2011. Oil on canvas

1 3

she looks like a Selma to me, what do u think ?

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Day 6. Fave Fan art

Thank you for so much love and beauty


16 31

연말에 작업 하느라 아무것도 못하겠거니 싶어서 미리 그려놨던 크리스마스 말렉 낙서ㅋㅋㅋㅋ즐거운 성탄절 되세요:)!

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