Treated myself with a rare commission! Dual pic with from of my arcanine alt :)

9 56

My first art of 2018 is a doggo pokemon because it dog year lol
Buff Arcanine, Aggressive Lycanroc and Shy Lucario <3
Wish you guys doing well in this year!! Yeahhhhh

88 449

[Completed Commission] Transformation
-Cap guy (ウインディ / Arcanine)
-Lion Reinhardt

17 56

and his poke-waifus; a lopunny pillow and an arcanine towel!

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Who said older generations had simpler designs ? Denounce yourself !
Favorite Gen I Pokemon - Arcanine / Arcanin in French !

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They wouldn't let poor ol' Arcanine play any Arcanine games. :c
More Christmas drawings weeeee!!

39 182

Female Arcanine was the subject of last month's SatsukiiDex. >w> Ain't she a cutie?
[ ]

11 47

Arcanines are just wolves with big manes (?)

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Arcanine and Growlithe

2 8

What do you think about hugging this arcanine???

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2- Arcanine
i, a known furry,

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Favorite fairy (Carbink/Sylveon), favorite fighting (Kommo-o/Hitmonchan), favorite fire (Ninetales/Arcanine), favorite flying (Pidgeot/Fearow). Fighting is a v2 since I redid it after Sun/Moon, and fire is the 2nd pick since we both had Charizard as our favorite.

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this Very Handsome art of arcanine always makes me cry bcus he is just overflowing with ryoma vibes??? TTwTT

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