画質 高画質

1. jd tuh ini ttg bending over backwards buat org lain (literally and metaphorically) menjulurkan tangan untuk bisa menyentuh dikit gt mau fisik ataupun perasaan

2. ini ttg "shedding your older skin" dan menampakkan sisi baru yg lebih baik. mengoper diri dr yg lama ke yg baru.

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Ah yes.. My Boyfriend Hikaru... And his brother...

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Este es mi fakemon para el concurso de Ebaru. Son formas regionales de la línea evolutiva de Hatterene.

Fotos con y sin filtro porque why not??

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i kinda want this to get attention,,, so please don't flop.... 👉👈

yin yang midnight -- subachia (enstars) ver!!
this feels a bit cursed especially because of azuma to subaru....

and i did it according to their seiyuus of course!

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犬夜叉界の夢かわ(?)王子様 リクエストありがとうございました🌱🤍/ Thanks for request! Its baby Sesshomaru.pls waiting Inuyasha and daddy☺️ https://t.co/Hle2ZONtsv

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maru. his sister. and her four foot tall hamster plush.

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Desain OC baru.. tapi aku gatau mau namain siapa wkwk.. yaudah gitu aja ya

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Next up is the fire goddess name Hotaru.

Art work done by Caiman2

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Drew my Aiko again....but this time she's being wholesome with Haru. My precious baby. So talented.

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sometimes a family can be just a boy, his gf, and their 50.000 yen 120 cm tall buchimaru.

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Ahhh recently I had been obsesed with her. I really like her voice. I really thought Ruby was my best girl, but no, it is hanamaru. Well, I love all 1st years from Aqours xD
There is a speedpaint, I'll upload later ^^
I hope you like it ♥

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L:crow ワンマンライブDVD発売中!!

@ FAN J twice



chopped up

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Si Kizuna est 1 BL plutôt connu en France, Sessa Takuma (1989) n'est pourtant jamais arrivé chez nous. Ce tome décrit la rencontre entre Takuma Ban, futur fermier trèèèèès costaud, et Yuki Samejima, la soeur de Ranmaru. Une romance pleine de passion et d'action !

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Hi, I'm fujimaru. I'm the African American Virginia fur livin in socal! I'm a twitch streamer, college student (still working on that BA gang gang) <3

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Mostly all Shinobi in Naruto are the product of their situation and lose their sense of self cause of it. Identity and Sanity is a something a ninja have a chance of losing. Two characters tht portrays this well are Kabuto and Orochimaru.
(Read the Thread)

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