Retiraron los cargos contra Ramón Nse Esono pero éste sigue en prisión en Guinea Ecuatorial. Exigimos su liberación.

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White-tailed Ant-thrush juvenal plumage was undescribed… until now. Here’s a juvenile individual captured several weeks ago in Equatorial Guinea. These birds eat the army ants they follow, unlike their Neotropical counterparts that eat insects fleeing army ant swarms 🌍🇬🇶

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TODAY - Trial of cartoonist International community call for his release whilst cartoonists show their solidarity and support

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Tonight cartoonists come together under the hashtag in support of cartoonist Ramon Esono Ebale whose trial to try and silence him starts tomorrow. Please join in, support and tweet.

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Tonight cartoonists come together under the hashtag in support of cartoonist Ramon Esono Ebale whose trial to try and silence him ,starts tomorrow. Please join in, support and RT

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Pedimos la liberación para el Ilustrador y Humorista Gráfico Ramon Esono, encarcelado injustamente en Guinea Ecuatorial

Firma la petición en

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Todo el apoyo del mundo mundial al compañero Ramón Esono, artista encarcelado desde hace más de 5 meses en Guinea Ecuatorial por criticar al presidente Teodoro Obiang. Mañana 27 de febrero es la fecha fijada para su juicio.

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Pedimos la liberación para el Ilustrador y encarcelado injustamente en

Firma la petición en

293 265

*ALERT* - authorities announce trial of cartoonist will begin tomorrow. International community calls for his release Cartoon by Ben

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Desde exigimos la inmediata liberación del compañero Ramón Esono, injustamente encarcelado por hacer cómics críticos con el gobierno de Guinea Ecuatorial.
Dibujar no es un delito. ¡¡Libertad para Ramón Esono!!

13 14

Join call to cartoonist imprisoned now five months. Can sign petition here - … …
Cartoon by Ben

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Aquí mi aportación para la convocatoria de Shadow of the Colossus con un de Mono. Espero que os guste

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International cartoonists come together in the call to free cartoonist Ramon Esono, imprisoned now for five months. … … via

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The amazing Drillbit! An old S.C mining drone turned gladiatorial champion of the Underground Techni Battle Ring!

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lleva 5 meses injustamente encarcelado en por dibujar un cómic. Firma: Dibujar no es delito.

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El lleva injustamente 5 meses en prisión en Pedimos su puesta en libertad

👉 Firma la petición en

👉 Artículo en

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Our track member Bika Rebek envisions a software that streamlines backend and frontend curatorial systems.

See what the future of looks like via the

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depois de milenios eu desenhei alguma coisa aleatoria

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