New artwork for sale! - "The Embracing Of Eve" -

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Some snailfolk who are embracing the new flesh. Abstract and grotesque body mods are quite stylish on their planet right now.

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New illo for about embracing analog technology. TY to my AD !

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Embracing automatic drawing and intuition, John Kingerlee’s tactile works reveal the structures that bind all things across time and place.

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What year is it?
How did you get here?
"Cause of my momma!"
Where's Papa?
"He's not far away at all!"
What is your name?
What are you doing right now?
"Embracing my youth and finding love!"

10 94 The Future is Female: Embracing Girl Gangs, the Rise of Heroines and Femininity

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Picking charcoals back up and embracing the nasty artist hands

0 0 The Future is Female: Embracing Girl Gangs, the Rise of Heroines and Femininity

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Today's Captain America Generations by Nick Spencer. The pinnacle of Sam's character development. Beautiful. Heart embracing.

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Embracing one's identity is sometimes better than always striving for the new:

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Post-operative bracing after pedicle screw fixation for thoracolumbar burst fractures: A cost-effectiveness study.

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Explore New Ways of Being
by Embracing thatYOᘮ Are
& the Universe is fully supportingYOᘮર
& YOᘮર Expansion💗P Desai

39 63 The Future is Female: Embracing Girl Gangs, the Rise of Heroines and Femininity

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i gave in after getting drk to 70 and changed to miqote,fully embracing the animu lifestyle

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Bracing After Surgical Stabilization of Thoracolumbar Fractures: A Systematic Review of Evidence, Indications, and…

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the face of someone embracing death

3 48 The Future is Female: Embracing Girl Gangs, the Rise of Heroines and Femininity

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