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The Klingon redesign for Star Trek: The Motion Picture had an unlikely source: Shakespeare. https://t.co/7QgDXtivst
Klingon Scientists Get No Respect
Credit: https://t.co/2ihERrtZUz
Recuperant dibuixos de l'institut i passant-los a digital. #FeelingOld #SlimePower
Summer is still king over here. @tapastic
#webcomics #comics #lol #summer #CoolingOffDay
This week, Tom learn's some park lingo! http://t.co/QCOp5wp1sH #webcomic #comic #humor #themepark
Alchemy of the night.
#magicelixir #streetlights #raindrops #teacoolingonawindowpane #nofilterneeded
It's International Talk Like A Pirate Day! Ahoy Matey! Gather ye crew to take on the pirate lingo today!
"#NosebleedWithFoodFromMyMouthSpillingOut Uhhhh....O///O Oh god Loki. "