Fanart kim sunoo iland, GO DEBUT PLZZZZ

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if sunoo choose Jay to be in C5 😅

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Do do do do you ever?~~

To all chamber 5 enthusiasts i made something for ya :>
Also feel free to use any of these as a dp uwu

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아이랜드 김선우를 작풍으로 그려보았다

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🗳️김선우/박성훈 투표 이벤트

☑️기간 내에 본 트윗 RT와 '김선우' 또는 '박성훈'에게 투표 후 멘션으로 인증샷을 남겨주시면 추첨을 통해 김선우, 박성훈 지원자의 아크릴 키링을 보내드립니다! (해외 팬도 참여⭕️)

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Lately I've been thinking to change my sytle, brush, and stuff. But it's like a habbit and I'm back to square one. So here I am just playing with my brush "a little harder". Btw this is Sunoo as Howl^^

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