Threshzaum totozo, uwu)

❤ e 🔁 são apreciados :DDD

13 45

makeup because this is the last champion I expected to have a makeup look... what the hell Riot?

0 3

now the thresh prince literally looks like one..there goes my wallet😩

8 36

Spirit Blossom Kindred

I draw this work accroding leak emoticon

9 30

I love Spirit Blossom Lillia's design so much I had to do a small sketch 😭

2 14

~ You may have tasted too much Purple ~ 💜🫐🌺

I honestly can't say how much I love the new skins, but here ! Spirit Blossom Lillia maybe Ahri next ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ

507 2481

Hello, I really love this new skin line, also I'm in love with
Hope u like it!! Do not use or repost without permission pls

217 860

// i do not usually post OOC, but isn`t Spirit Blossom Yasuo inspired from fanarts of Oreki Genya?

6 45

"Follow the wind, but watch your back."

803 3644