Add a classic touch to your space with canvas prints by Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919).

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One of my favourite Hollywood stars Lana Turner (1921-1995) was born this day,
96 yrs ago

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2017.2.14(火)~2.19(日)11-19時 最終日15時
@ 大阪府江之子島文化芸術創造センター

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Thomas Wilmer Dewing (1901-1904).

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Carl Brandt (1871-1930), Sailing Ships at Dawn (Naves de vela en el amanecer), c.1916, Óleo sobre lienzo

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"Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel."

– Augustus Hare

Sailing Ships at Dawn - Carl Brandt (1871-1930)

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Sailing Ships at Dawn - Carl Brandt (1871-1930)

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1月27日AM8:59までの間、闘技場内に『マネマネ参上 LV1-19 / LV20-39 / LV40-69』が登場。さらに期間中は消費スタミナ1/2でプレイ可能。マネマネを倒して、たくさんのコインを手に入れよう!

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Evaline Ness (1911-1986), US commercial artist, illustrator, and author of children's books

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French artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919).

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용을 죽인 자의 나날 5 - S Novel (아카유키 토나 지음, 이희정 옮김, 미도리 후우 그림 / ㈜소미미디어 / 2017-01-19)

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영웅도시의 얼간이들 1 - S Novel (아사우라 지음, 다부 류 그림, 박시우 옮김 / ㈜소미미디어 / 2017-01-19)

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어서 오세요 실력지상주의 교실에 3 - S Novel (키누가사 쇼고 지음, 조민정 옮김, 토모세 슌사쿠 그림 / ㈜소미미디어 / 2017-01-19)

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행성 카론 - Novel Engine POP (하츠노 세이 지음, Renian 그림, 송덕영 옮김 / 영상출판미디어(주) / 2017-01-19)

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(Sir Joseph Noel Paton, 1821-1901, 英)

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French artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919).

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2016年12月30日AM8:59までの間、[闘技場] > [クエスト]内に『マネマネ参上 LV1-19』『マネマネ参上 LV20-39』『マネマネ参上 LV40-69』が登場。マネマネを倒して、たくさんのコインを手に入れよう!

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Pablo (1881-1973), Female Head, 1902-03.

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Isn't she lovely. Jozsef Rippi-Rónai (Hungarian 1861-1927) Pastel on paper completed in 1924. This is charming

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