I want to talk smack about the new Ninja Turtles cartoon but I realize it's not for me or my generation so I'll leave it be. The OG one will always be in our hearts.

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They don’t give out for but if they did, I’d like to think would be up for best new comic about a foul-mouthed baby superantihero that eats people’s hearts.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FAVORITE ONLINE COMIC 🎉🎉🎉 Today marks ONR YEAR that these babies have ruined all our hearts. Loony is the most sweetest gal that will give you the slowest burn you will hate so much you LOVE IT

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Also heres the version with the animated hearts.

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「Justice Hearts.」に登場する風の大精霊さん。アレンの契約精霊でもある。最近登場したばかりですが、お気に入りのうちの子の一人です。アレンの母親であるアメリアに心を奪われ、それからアメリア亡き後もずっと一途に慕い続けている。彼女の忘れ形見を守るため共に旅をする。 

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「Justice Hearts.」第三の主人公。ジークの妹で、アレンの付き人の少女。パーティの中では最年少。とても明るい性格だけれど、怒るとまるで悪魔の形相に…あと、とても声が大きい。お胸も大きい。母親から受け継いだ治癒魔法を使い仲間たちを癒す、回復&サポートタイプ!

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「Justice Hearts.」第二の主人公。アレンの幼馴染で、その命を守る付き人の青年。ちなみにアレンより2歳お兄ちゃん。幼い頃からアレンに恋する一途な男の子。クールに見えて熱血漢な、頼れる相棒です。大きな剣を振り回し、仲間を守るパワー&ディフェンスタイプ!

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トップバッターはやっぱりこの子でしょ!看板作品「Justice Hearts.」の主人公。魔王を倒す使命を背負った男装女子な勇者様です!とても真面目で正義感が強く、いい意味でも悪い意味でも真っ直ぐな性格です。風魔法と剣を操り、華麗に敵を倒す、スピード&テクニックタイプ!

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Mrs. Milman and her 7th grade jags explore and disect cow hearts.

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“Maybe that’s why I love animals so much, you look in their eyes and you know what’s exactly in their hearts.”

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remember, christmas is not so much about opening presents, as opening hearts. so this year, try not to leave anyone behind (like poor rudolph was lastnight)..

i’m dedicating this art to you all for giving me presents all year round with your love.


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"Happy holidays everyone. I hope you all get to spend some time with those who hold a special place in your hearts.... I know that I will be doing the same!"

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💙Thank you Jonghyun. 💙 You worked hard! 💙
I hope that my drawing can warm some hearts. ♥

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You know this character fo sure. A tall, hairy and fanged Wookiee, fear-inspiring to all his enemies.But at the same time, his kind soul, friendly stare conquered our hearts. We introduce you - Chewbacca! Chewie’s model is already available for order here: https://t.co/shfIsuFMA9

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jokes. Strider Hiryu's Gram loops may be dead with the new patch, but it'll always live in our hearts... And with this delicious new cereal!

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/ , , and are all so generous to make these out of the kindness of their hearts. Each of these three are amazing and have beautiful souls, and I am eternally grateful to be close friends with them. Thank you for the birthday gifts!!

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https://t.co/oNb84g8e05 ---> of from Luv him~ Go check it out on my FB page!! Comments and likes are appreciated~ coming soon, so stay tuned to my FB page throughout the day! (♛‿♛)

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No4: Xion from Kingdom Hearts. Her quiet but calm nature and desire to fit in with axel and roxas is adorable and she deserved so much better I cry everytime i think about the end of 358/2

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