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Sesshoumaru was nice but my teenage (and current) heart belongs to this $$60bil bae

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I'm sorry, I was mistaken before.

It's really the Naco.

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uhhhhh, I had a few cartoon crushes... but 🎶one of these things is not like the others🎶

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I like to draw and my favourite pokemon is Marill so that's my defence for Tracey Sketchit being my because jesus christ

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is going around, eh? I'll admit, I didn't have many... Didn't watch enough cartoons as a kid. But there was always a BIT of a thing there for one in particular.

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It was either Ryoma from prince of tennis or Thomas from digimon data squad, I can't remember which show i found first.

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it amazing to see how my taste has not changed over the years LMAO

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Honorable mentions. 2D girls are the best

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I didn't realize it back then but now I know better hfbshskklfb

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No clue who my first cartoon crush was, but here's some I definitely fell for as a kid.

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I haven't seen her in a while but definitely (officer Nina Valerosa from "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends"

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Okay, this is a little cheating but, Alex, Jenny, Starfire were always great. ☝️ 😤

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I didn't really grow up watching disney so I

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Y'all are here posting Inuyasha and I'm just here like

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