Pushing Ahead

Pencil on paper · 4” x 7" · 2014

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Greta ~ 18” x 24” ~ a favorite of Mine : )

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Palm No. 4 Painted for POD Grand Image original 24” x 24” oil on vellum

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\LIVE情報/OP歌手“AKINO with bless4”10周年記念ライブ『Decennia』開催‼︎OP曲「エクストラ・マジック・アワー」も聴けちゃいます♪詳細へ→http://t.co/J07bsBZgwx

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The Way Things Used To Be, 24” x 48” oil on linen

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And a slightly better detail shot of “Lion” 2014 (44” x 70”). What's tough to tell without… http://t.co/6HOkdVRWAr

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鬼畜なる一族 Episode-2 〜昏き地下室 学園令嬢の悲鳴〜 4”とためらうことなく張り切ってます!それを受け止めた小皿に20本の蝋燭を立ててバースデイウンコ http://t.co/LaFqZmjKk9

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Retro Palms 24" x 24” created and painted to be published by Grand Image for print on demand.

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Wake Up To Art with Ray Tracey's "Oval Chrysophase Corn Naja Earrings," 2 3/4” long, on french wires

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Wake Up to Art! Enjoy Carrie Fell's "Little Red Rider", 24”x24”, acrylic on canvas.

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“OLD TIME 4” 2013 Materials:paper,pencil,ballpoint,watercolor『OLD TIME 4』2013年 素材:紙/鉛筆/ボールペン/水彩/

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Combo! :D RT : Hey, here’s another ya might like! Combo drawn by “rongs1234” http://t.co/sOUIPShfiW

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new artwrk_ ANGUILLE ARZILLE ( EELS SPRIGHTLY)_ 60x100cm_23.6”x39.4”_Acrilyc on canvas

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ツリー型のかわいいパイ☆ブリーズウェイ・バイツ”クリスマスウィッシュ2014”ストロベリー&カスタードパイ http://t.co/VHWovSbZCV

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【週末ゲーム】第577回:“ニコニコ自作ゲームフェス4”お勧め作品ピックアップ 第1回 - 窓の杜 http://t.co/kmichDZ60T 書きましたー。第1回はRPG・ADV系を9本ご紹介。全3回予定です。

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Killer Whale - Vinyl acrylic on canvas. 18” x 24”. 2014.

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[photo 기범 & 진기] 샤이니 콘서트 2014”군마” ◼️「샤이니 지역 명물소개」 ◼️「샤이니 사진 리포트」

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