WangJi only bite the person he loves.This part actually he very frustrated of many things happened

701 1530

小说读到那么一幕,汪叽醉酒3,#羡羡 捏了他的脸颊看 笑的时候是怎样的🤣🤣一直很想画画看

546 1130

Left-SiZhui planted by 😳 种的思追
Right-SiZhui planted by 😳 种的思追
I am glad LanZhan adopted SiZhui,he is totally best husband and dad material

527 1029

Sunk into the Mo Dao Zu Shi fandom and I'll never get out

(c) to owner

5 20


"can't see it on my face, listen to my heartbeat..."
Drunk LanZhan the best😂👍🏻

541 1382

Those bygone years those instruments we played😂
👓Megane below tweet
*I miss my Dizi(Flute) 我想念我的笛子

141 448

(〃艸〃) Chapter 96"LanZhan,why are you like a dog, bite me again" LWJ like to bite WWX😳
I feel so shame😭this part I read for 3 times still blushing while reading😳 I don't think the DongHua will do this part😭

834 1889

It is a pity that apricot season already ended. I would have bought a basket of them to celebrate for ep4.

10 29

Lan Wangji: Wei Ying, be a good boy and say "Ah". I have some sweet apricots for you.
WIP for ep4, if only Lan Wangji was a bit bolder, uvu, OvO

16 64