Daily Paint 1896# Emo Kid

Daily Paintings Book now available: https://t.co/kgYQdxzXKy
For full res WIPs, art, videos and more: https://t.co/msrmM6p5QT

161 611

Pun incoming...
For full res WIPs, art, videos, and more: https://t.co/msrmM6p5QT
Daily Paintings Book now available: https://t.co/xWB2EWT4af

1 86

Daily Sketch 121# Peached Whale Epilogue

Daily Paintings Book now available: https://t.co/kgYQdxzXKy
For full res WIPs, art, videos and more: https://t.co/msrmM6p5QT

76 368

Daily Paint 1894# Avacadog

Daily Paintings Book now available: https://t.co/kgYQdxzXKy
For full res WIPs, art, videos and more: https://t.co/msrmM6p5QT

266 965

Daily Sketch 120# Avacadog Toast

Daily Paintings Book now available: https://t.co/kgYQdxzXKy
For full res WIPs, art, videos and more: https://t.co/msrmM6p5QT

50 283

Daily Sketch 119# Cheatah

Daily Paintings Book now available: https://t.co/kgYQdxzXKy
For full res WIPs, art, videos and more: https://t.co/msrmM6p5QT

24 246

Daily Paint 1892# Hambugger-fly

Daily Paintings Book now available: https://t.co/kgYQdximlY
For full res WIPs, art, videos and more: https://t.co/msrmM67usj

91 452

Daily Sketch 118# Hambuggers

Daily Paintings Book now available: https://t.co/kgYQdximlY
For full res WIPs, art, videos and more: https://t.co/msrmM67usj

42 242

Daily Paint 1891# Centoreo

Daily Paintings Book now available: https://t.co/kgYQdxzXKy
For full res WIPs, art, videos and more: https://t.co/msrmM6p5QT

117 465

Daily Sketch 117# Centoreo

Daily Paintings Book now available: https://t.co/kgYQdxzXKy
For full res WIPs, art, videos and more: https://t.co/msrmM6p5QT

30 178

Daily Sketch 116# Stoatmeal Hunting

Daily Paintings Book now available: https://t.co/kgYQdxzXKy
For full res WIPs, art, videos and more: https://t.co/msrmM6p5QT

28 233

Pun incoming...

For full res WIPs, art, videos, and more: https://t.co/msrmM6p5QT
Daily Paintings Book now available: https://t.co/xWB2EWT4af

7 125

Daily Paint 1888# Shellmates

For full res WIPs, art, videos, and more: https://t.co/msrmM6p5QT
Daily Paintings Book now available: https://t.co/kgYQdxzXKy

119 584

Daily Sketch 114# Tortisecell

Daily Paintings Book now available: https://t.co/kgYQdxzXKy
For full res WIPs, art, videos and more: https://t.co/msrmM6p5QT

31 260

Previews of my next artworks. People who make a pledge on Patreon before the 1st of February will be able to get this package. The content will depend on your tier.
Those you see here are WIPs, so expect a full version.

17 231

Daily Sketch 113# Tide Pod of Dolphins

Daily Paintings Book now available: https://t.co/kgYQdxzXKy
For full res WIPs, art, videos and more: https://t.co/msrmM6p5QT

46 269

Daily Sketch 112# Crocquette Wearing Crocs

Daily Paintings Book now available: https://t.co/kgYQdxzXKy
For full res WIPs, art, videos and more: https://t.co/msrmM6p5QT

38 241

Daily Sketch 111# Noodle Demon

Daily Paintings Book now available: https://t.co/kgYQdxzXKy
For full res WIPs, art, videos and more: https://t.co/msrmM6p5QT

26 173

Daily Sketch 110# Baabooshka

Inked this out traditionally and colored it in PS

Daily Paintings Book now available: https://t.co/kgYQdxzXKy
For full res WIPs, art, videos and more: https://t.co/msrmM6p5QT

53 288

Daily Paint 1883# Alowl Vera

For full res WIPs, art, videos, and more: https://t.co/msrmM6p5QT
Daily Paintings Book now available: https://t.co/kgYQdxzXKy

204 708