今日のScott Gamesの更新で、Mangleと思しきキャラクターが描かれた画像になりましたが、このMangleはNightmare Foxyによく似ていますね。

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Can't draw Foxy without drawing Mangle! All fixed up, she loves to sing with her friends!

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R.I.P Manglobe. Thanks for animating one of my favorite anime, Samurai Champloo.

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My Mangle... Scott said it was a "yes" so, futanari for me.

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I have made a new pixel version of Foxy and Fredbear, better known as Mangle and Nightmare!

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Hier ne Piraten Mangle für euch! <3

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'Foxy & Mangle' I'm actually really excited for World it looks so cute. :3

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Toy Foxy+謎のミニ内骨格→Mangle と考えると、微妙に合点がいくような気がします。そもそもこの内骨格が何者なのかはわかりませんが、大きさは一致しているように思いまして……

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Mangle pirate girl in different shades. 💕

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Ein Mangle wurde gewünscht, und nun hier hab ihr ne kleine weibliche Mangle >u<

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My constant struggle for the perfect design had me taking the Interstellar route this time.

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A Link and a Mangle in my sketchbook. Just wanna draw video game characters today.

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