It's here!! Voltron: Legendary Gainer! Can Princess Allura withstand the tastiest food goo ever? ...nope!

5 21

Another sketch with fem!lance (and Prince Alluro???!!?)
She is my favorite lady <3

13 27

theory time: alfor was the previous red paladin, and allura will eventually follow in his footsteps

113 240

it always takes me 84 years to paint stuff bUT OH WELL

50 94

"Why are you like this."
- Allura whenever Lance speaks

8 7

vex doodle & kimallura cheebs (not drawn to scale lol)

68 327

Finally did some fanart~ 💙 the impeccable Princess Allura.

108 149

i just needed to draw shiro kissing allura and saying good morning to her like a tru loving bf :')

50 72

Where is the happy beach episode that these children deserve

163 368

wip, if anyone has any ideas on what to put on that other monitor I'll love you. why details, why

14 27

Day 7 of week: Cuddling with the space mice because it's a free day so why not.

75 121

More Voltron Space Parents. Shiro and Allura are my jam

1 4


190 242

Allura and the lion cub squad 💙

16 22

🌟That sparkly dress thingy 🌟

978 1766

What If Allura had sparkly freckles

979 1559