画質 高画質

day 13 - vampire, blood bag raid

i wonder why vampires don't raid hospitals...
anyways imo i think arisa would prefer blood bags over people

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day 12 - in your clothes, bedhead arisa

im sleepy rn so i also drew her sleepy 😴

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1枚目 大学生市ヶ谷有咲飲酒
2枚目 大学生今井リサ飲酒
3枚目 大学生松原花音飲酒 嫉妬全開

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1枚目 吸血鬼パロ美咲
2枚目 大学生千聖の憂鬱顔
3枚目 大学生市ヶ谷有咲 飲み会帰り
4枚目 青葉モカ憂鬱横顔

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day 10 - bonsai, arisa in her natural habitat

headcanon that arisa has bonsai named after her family

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day 9 - goth, she looks surprisingly good in black

i have now drawn arisa in three different type of buns

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day 8 - magic, the power of stars

instead of the typical wizard magic i drew something more appealing to children 😩

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day 6 - eating, arisa with noodles

noodles are literally the best thing to eat during rainy days, y'all would defs agree

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28日目 市ヶ谷有咲/#バンドリ

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day 5 - teacher, happy teacher's day!

arisa in a low-tied bun is soo hhhh 😩😩 have no words to describe it

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day 4 - with popipa, poppin' party plushies!

i almost cried drawing this- arisa with plushies together look so cute 😭

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