I want the name of this flying whatchamacallit to go with the Daily Planet like bacon and eggs, franks and beans, death and taxes, politics and corruption.
Jackie Cooper as Perry White
John Cooper Jr. (September 15, 1922 – May 3, 2011)

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【百年ニュース】1922(大正11)年9月15日(金) 第9回の二科賞,樗牛賞が発表される。二科展は9月9日~29日まで院展と同時に上野竹之台で開催中。古賀春江《埋葬》,児島善三郎《裸女》,林武《本を持てる婦人像》等。二科会は1914(大正3)文展(文部省美術展)洋画部に対抗し新進画家が結成した在野美術団体。

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「Fuka1922 World」



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Design for an illumination of the Moscow Kremlin to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the revolution, 1922

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"The Flapper" Life Magazine Cover, 1922 - Frank X. Leyendecker https://t.co/DRUM9kdwMw via

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Sept. 11, 1922: Henry Ford starts enforcing a no-drunkenness rule at his Detroit assembly line, with supervisors observing whether any of the 72,000 employees show up smelling of booze. "Ford also has an elaborate inspection system for observing living conditions of his men."

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Richard Diebenkorn (1922-1993) — yep!

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Sept. 10, 1922: “One Terrible Day,” the first in the “Our Gang” film comedy series, is released by Pathé. The 20-minute short produced by Hal Roach inaugurates one of the most popular franchises of the silent and early sound era, known to TV viewers as “The Little Rascals.” 1/3

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William Stephen Coleman (1922-1993 Australie)

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Richard Diebenkorn (1922-1993) — more drawings.

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Richard Diebenkorn (1922-1993) — drawings.

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Pauline Diana Baynes was born on this day, September 9, in 1922.

After serving in the Women’s Voluntary Service during World War II, she worked with J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis to bring “Middle Earth” and “Narnia” to life through her illustrations.

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in 1922
‘Good clothes - They’re a man’s best introduction’ Kuppenheimer Clothing.
illustration by J. C. Leyendecker (1874-1951)
The Saturday Evening Post. September 9, 1922

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【百年ニュース】1922(大正11)年9月9日(土) トルコ軍がイズミル(スミルナ)入城。ギリシアに占領されていた同市をムスタファ・ケマル・パシャ(アタテュルク)に率いられたトルコ国民軍が奪還。3年間続いた希土戦争はギリシア軍敗北で事実上終了する。翌年トルコ共和国建国,現在のギリシア領がほぼ確定。

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【百年ニュース】1922(大正11)年9月9日(土) 画家の栗原玉葉が死去。享年40。本名は栗原あや子。1883(明治16)長崎で誕生。梅香崎女学校から女子美術学校へ。1913(大正2)第7回文部省美術展覧会(文展)で《さすらい》が入選。時代を代表する女性日本画家となり「京都の松園,東京の玉葉」と並び評された。

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Paul Klee, Dying Plants (Sterbende Pflanzen), 1922 https://t.co/2fyNrm56OL

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