362-365: more ahhh finally made it to the end. rough year, shouldn't have set myself up for this lol

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page 365 of 365::

man I can't believe it's gonna b 2022 in 3 mins, the year has felt so short yet so much has happened??

thank you to those I love, to those I cherish and am grateful for; lets stay together and face 2022 together - may the next year be better than the last 💜

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Page 365 of 365:

Wishing everyone on Twitter for a happy new year! ✨

20 49

daily capybara with skzoo

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Day 365: Progress...? I think...? Somehow this seems to be going less smoothly than other pictures...

Also I messed up counting the days again at some point, but who cares lol.

1 6

361 of 365: and now for a climber! Don't worry, she's not actually that far off the ground.

0 1

Day 358 of 365:
Merry Xmas everybody, feeling blessed

5 14

357 of 365: well... here's some waifu bait. It's gijinka sylveon.

0 2

355 of 365: Sceptile wants to battle!

0 2

Day 355 of 365:


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353 of 365: In which Winzy asks: "Bro, what the fuck?"

0 2

Chapter 165: Waypoints is now up and ready for you to read.

I don't have an appropriate image 2 accompany this chapter so I hope you'll enjoy 1 of my favourite snippets of art from Please go check out their work!😍

2 4

Day 165: Did a good couple of sketches to get back into the swing of things, can't post most of them tho since they were pretty referenced. This is probably the only one i can post lol

11 122

352 of 365: So I-
So I herd you-
So I herd you liek Mudkips.
*Takes 3d6 psychic damage*
*Does 6d8 psychic damage*

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Day 352 of 365:

Martian Manhunter

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