Poster variations for Halloween II - released on this day in 1981.

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8th.STAGE 走行距離 5,981.6 km!
本日の記録 1,450 steps達成!
現在総合順位 7 位で快走中!

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狂犬 キラー・バディ・オースチン(1930.2.27 - 1981.8.12)#プロレス命日

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A terrifying time at The Uncle Al Show in 1981. For

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On July 26, 1951, Walt Disney’s "Alice in Wonderland" had its world premiere in England, and was released in the U.S. two days later. The film was rediscovered by later audiences when it was made available on 16mm for schools, and was rereleased in theaters in 1974 and 1981.

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ひばり書房 ひばりヒットコミックス すなこ育子「麻美ちゃん大ショック! ヒット青120」(1981.6)

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From deep within our vault comes these newly digitized transparencies of art by Mel Shaw from "The Fox and the Hound," which was released on this date in 1981.

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Poster variations for John Carpenter's Escape From New York - released on this day in 1981.

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The nuclear family: Protect and Survive Monthly, January 1981.

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Can you name We answer with these amazing women artists & their prints.

Pitaloosie Saila, Changing Traditions, 1991.

Jessie Oonark, The People, 1985.

Victoria Mamnguqsualuk, Bear People Sharing Some Fish, 1981.

Kenojuak Ashevak, Into the Light, 1999.

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Herman "Kofi" Bailey 1931-1981. I met Bailey in 1980. He lived near campus and would show up with conte in hand to find drawing subjects.

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Raiders of the Lost Ark. Steven Spielberg, 1981.
The Arabic character was so impressed to see Indy coming out from the Egyptian tomb, that the whole scene was deleted. Indy is not that scary!

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Raiders of the Lost Ark. Steven Spielberg, 1981.
Karen Allen smile... Have you ever seen anything more charming?
She is Marion Ravenwood. The real Indiana Jones only love.

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Raiders of the Lost Ark. Steven Spielberg, 1981.
Marion, don’t look at it. Shut your eyes, Marion. Don’t look at it, no matter what happens!
It was a long, long take tied to the stake.

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This beauty might look like a old piano at first look... but it's actually one of the finest synthesizers ever made. YAMAHA GS1. The father of the DX5, DX7, DX7S. it came in 1981. programable from a monitor it had a dozen of functions. It's Brother was the GS2.

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A Corvette cruises through cosmos in a publicity still for HEAVY METAL, 1981.

(cc: )

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and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. Steven Spielberg, 1981.
Shooting at Raven Bar, Elstree stage 2
, did you really had to film the sequence twice because the set engulfed in flames?

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the character, not Sarah Michelle) was born on this day in 1981. We share a birth year and it pleases me to no end that I'll always be the same age as Buffy

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Redacted Kiwirail document / Gordon Walters, Untitled , 1981.
(Image via )

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We're getting into the Halloween spirit a few days early, but can you blame us?

Larry Faden, True Ghost Stories, 1981. Lithograph.

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