At last I can FINALLY draw digitally now! What better way to start drawing again Gamma who is probably my favorite alphabet oc so far. I decided to anthro her up and damn does she SLAY!!!! 😳😳🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼✨✨✨The true Queen who can kick yo ass.

6 24

Doodle I forgo to post
It's human N and O!!!!!
I tried to make them as genderless as possible- oughhhhh
(Last image is also an old doodle, osiwyhwghj)

(I see spam bots promoting their shitty comics, grrrrr)

4 38

F's backstory fart scene but the fart is autotuned...


11 42

A new discovery
little f were exploring around the cave,and he found a strange-shaped stone,when he takes a closer look,the stone looked like a figure.
he felt something familiar about this figure.

13 69

Lowercase cab! + little g riding along~
i imagine when lowercase letters form into an object,i imagine that object is much smaller(and cuter!)

14 79

Then the gay dads lived happpliy with theyre 2 kids the end

6 42


OH MY GOD WHAT A MONTH(24 days) that was.. fun!
yea okay i'll draw Z soon
just.. very tired after drawing literally every letter

(and if you'll excuse me, ill go play a pvz mod)

6 50

I tried to draw Ϝ (Digamma) in the original Alphabet lore art style,i think it captured the art style pretty well. :>

8 63

A and B watch TV, to be honest, A likes to watch melodramas. Meanwhile, B does not understand why his friend likes them, but sits quietly next to him and eats popcorn. Even for the sake of watching melodramas , they disturb T and V.

37 225

I have been forgetting to post art on here lmao.

Anyway here’s a bunch of new characters:

Space, a mechanic

Alembic, an alien who sometimes possesses Space

Khamsah, a monk

Tiwaz, another hammerhead shark who I designed to be T and τ’s dad

3 14