Definitely wanna draw this cutesy little scene.

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Too subtle to be noticed, but poses and instrument colors within a nod to the cartoon supergrourp The Archies —

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When Eggman patched up Lien-Da after the Iron Queen severely wounded her by blowing her cybernetics up...
From Archie Sonic Issue 220 writing by Ian Flynn and art by Jamal Peppers

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My kind of Sonic is one who plays guitar because he's rad and cool like that.

15 54

Moving later in Castlereagh's career, and into diplomacy, Castlereagh was personally accountable for trying to balance the conflicting values of Britain's constitutional system and the authoritarian monarchies of the Holy Alliance.


1 6

Sally admitted several times she was wrong about the slap and how she lead the team at the time. Maybe...and hear me out on this one... people make mistakes and can change! No one is Born perfect!

19 59

Pretty Jay Axer Mina Mongoose design that never got used. It looks so damn cool.

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