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Time for this week's NICKNAME THAT MONSTER!
Drop a nickname for this creature in the comments and the person with the best idea will be reposted on our story tomorrow!

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Não pus um oc, então me pus 💗💟
Sol= aquário// asc= virgem// lua=capricórnio https://t.co/VMa1H2IDxp

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Mulan: get the shit done.

Rapunzel: Ovo ficar presa não eu vou conhecer o mundo lá fora sim.

Elsa: Lerigou caralhon. https://t.co/SZjubzuNda

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1. BAV (AR) + 単一冠動脈 (RCA壁内走行)

2. AVP (suture annuloplasty, central plication, STJ plication)

3. RCA transposition + Asc replacement

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Sun/ asc/ moon, gosh got all my faves :)) https://t.co/78OicvTrXZ

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Man's best friend.
-Preliminary concept design from a dragon project in the early 2000's

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Hello, I painted these with my fingers, on old scraps of card and materials. I was diagnosed ASC at the age of 40 years and did not have the courage or confidence to paint for 22 years until my diagnosis.

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【ASC髪質研究 ASC獅子】ルシエル先生()に来て頂き、カットカラーをしました!男性は早い方だと20代から薄毛の悩みを抱えだすのですがそんな悩みとは無縁な豊富な毛髪量。カラーは白髪染めですが、軽い仕上がりになるベージュグリーンを乗せて獅子のラフさ+双子の軽さを意識しました。

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How the years have changed asc lines https://t.co/eaLyNoaGqI

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