
1 29

هبة الموكبانح وحركة المايك اللي يضخم صوت المضغ و التنفس على الاكل 🥴
The mukbang trend and the mic that exaggerate the chewing, breathing on food and licking fingers sounds 😷

1 9

عندما تظن بأنك غير قابل للاكتشاف

When you think you’re invisible.

4 15

الموت ليس إلا لغز للأرواح الحية.
Death is only a mystery to the living souls.
حبر على ورق
Ink on paper

4 24

ثم لمحت حوارهما الصامت …
And then I glanced into their silent dialogue..


2 18

Hi! I’m Grace! My Etsy shop is called ProgressivePapayaArt and I sell a lot of Pride Prints with options for any Pride flag colors you want! Check out some of my ace ones!

2 3

Swearing or "I am the captain now!" pointing? Guess we'll never know x3

Tried a slighly chibi approach for my practice today!

0 5

Look at this beautiful work that did for me! I'm absolutely in love with this piece 😍🖤❤

(new tag lol)

4 23

One of my favorite commissions recently done - I love how cute it makes Maya look!


2 12

لما تكون الأجواء عاصفة و ما متعودين عليها ..
When it’s thunder storm and they’re not used to it ..

4 27

يحتسوها القهوة تو !
They “sip” their coffee today!

7 36

قل لي كيف تلف السمبوسة، اقل لك من انت.
Tell me how you wrap theSambusa I tell you who you are...

2 15

لما يكون المطبخ عليه ..
When the kitchen is on him 👨🏻‍🍳

2 12